Register For Mac Address

  1. IEEE offers Registration Authority programs or registries which maintain lists of unique identifiers under standards and issue unique identifiers to those wishing to register them. The IEEE Registration Authority assigns unambiguous names to objects in a way which makes the.
  2. MAC Address Block Medium (MA-M) An MA-M assignment includes medium blocks of EUI-48 and EUI-64 values which can be used as MAC Addresses, Bluetooth Device Addresses, Ethernet Addresses or object identifiers. MAC Address Block Small (MA-S) An MA-S assignment includes an OUI-36 and small blocks of EUI-48 and EUI-64 values which can be used as MAC.
  1. Register Mac Address Umn
  2. Register Mac Address With Spectrum
  3. Register For Mac Address Software

To register your MAC address for wired campus use, please email email protected or create a ticket with the following information: MAC Address: Registration type – Personal or UTD Asset Number: Location of Machine (office/room number): Please be sure to enter the MAC address only as hexadecimal numbers.

In order for you to get Internet access from anywhere on-campus or in residential housing ('ResNet'), you will first need to register the hardware (MAC) address of either your mobile device (smartphone, laptop or tablet) or Ethernet card (wired connection in some computers). This can be done automatically using the Express Registration Tool or manually.

To register the MAC address you must have either a valid UCInetID, or for those who don't have UCInetID, you may use the Guest Registration system. Details on how to do both are below.

Note: Peer to Peer (P2P) Applications Are Not Allowed Over the Wireless Network

Two Ways to Register

1. Express Registration

From your mobile device select the network 'UCInet Mobile Access' (or 'Resnet Mobile Access' if you are living in undergrad housing) and then open a web browser and try to connect to any web page. You should be redirected to our Express Registration ('ExpressReg') page where you will be guided through the registration process. Refer to the directions below.

If you are not automatically redirected, please visit the website and select the 'ExpressReg' option. Alternatively, you may select the 'Device Registration' option to manually register your device (NOTE: You must have a UCInetID in order to complete the manual registration process).

The two most common reasons why users struggle to connect are:

  • they have a Static IP set on their device (e.g. IP address of for example)
  • they have a Static DNS address set on their device (e.g. you cannot use Google DNS addresses like or during the Express Registration process)

Please ensure that your network settings are set to DHCP and remove these settings. By doing this, your device will automatically grab an IP address and DNS address from the network. Failure to remove these static settings will prevent you from connecting.

If you are still having trouble, please feel free to stop by our walk-in help desk at Aldrich Hall, Room 115 between 9-5, M-F or you may contact the Help Desk at (949) 824-2222.

How to Register

  1. Go to one of the UCInet Mobile Access locations (or one of the 4 undergrad housing communities).
  2. Select UCInet Mobile Access (or Resnet Mobile Access if you are living in undergrad housing)
  3. Open your Web browser and try to connect to any Web page.
    • If you are not automatically redirected, please visit the website and select the 'ExpressReg' option.
  4. You will be directed to our Express Registration web page.
    • UCI Affiliates, click on the Login and register with your UCInetID link.
      1. Login with your UCInetID and Password.
    • Visitors, click the Login as a Guest link, which will take you to the Guest Registration System.
      1. Read the Visitor agreement and fill in the Web form with your name, email address and reason for visiting the campus.
      2. Click the Submit button.
  5. Your computer's hardware (MAC) address will be automatically detected and registered for access to our mobile network.
  6. After 1 minute you should be redirected to the Web page you were trying to access.
    If you cannot connect, try again in a few minutes. Your computer may take a few minutes to update its network settings.
    If you still can not connect, try rebooting your computer.

Visitor Access Restrictions

We offer limited access to visitors to the UCI campus. The following restrictions apply to visitors using UCInet Mobile Access:

  1. Visitor access to the UCI network is granted for a 24-hour period, and they may only register 7 times in a 30-day period.
    • From Memorial Day to Labor Day, we extend access to 7 days because of the influx of visitors during the summer who attend the CAMP & COSMOS programs. Visitors who are here longer than 7 days will need to re-register their devices weekly.
  2. Visitor access is restricted to web traffic (HTTP and HTTPS), email (IMAP and authenticated SMTP) and SSH.

If you need longer access than what is provided by Visitor Registration, a UCI faculty or staff member may register you as aguest under their UCInetID for up to 4 weeks using Manual Registration (see Manual Registration tab above). For longer stays, you may be able eligible for a Sponsored UCInetID.

UCI also participates in Eduroam for visiting academics.

Other Wireless Networks on Campus

Besides UCInet Mobile Accesss, there are several other networks/SSIDs you can connect to. Below are the network SSID names, along with their requirements:

  • eduroam - No MAC registration is required.

The following two SSIDs are visible on campus in the School of Health Sciences and the Gottschalk Medical Plaza. They are meant solely for HS users.

  • UCIClinic-PSK - Registered MAC required and you must know your HS username and password (mostly used for mobile devices in the clinics). Non-broadcast. Address space is
  • UCIMCNetMD - No MAC registration required, but you must know the SSID password (used for medical devices - unfortunately OIT does not have this password). Broadcast. Address space is

UCI Medical Center Wi-Fi

The UCI Medical Center (UCIMC) has instructions on how to join their wi-fi network in Orange. The SSID in Orange is called UCIHealth (the password is ucirvineaccess).

Register mac address xfinity

Subletting Your Apartment

If you live in grad housing and are planning to sublet your apartment, it's important to realize if your subletter is not affiliated with UCI (meaning they don't have a UCInetID), then they will not have internet access automatically.

In order for the subletter to have internet access, you will need to manually register their devices' MAC addresses under your UCInetID. We suggest you send them this link which tells them how to find a MAC address on many different types of devices, and once they provide you with the addresses you'll need to use our Mobile Access Registration tool to register all of them.

By registering their devices under your UCInetID, you accept fullresponsibility for anything they do while using our network.

Please do NOT submit Sponsored UCInetID requests for subletters as they will be rejected.

2. Manual Registration


Register your hardware (MAC) address from any computer already connected to the Internet.

Register or De-register your MAC address
(UCInetID Login Required)

Tip: Find your MAC address

Using UCInet Mobile Access requires registration of your hardware or MAC address. If you are using Manual Registration, you will need to locate the MAC address of your wireless device. Use the directions below to locate your MAC address.

What is a MAC address?

A MAC (Media Access Control) address is the hardware address of the Network Interface Card (NIC) of your computer. You must have it on hand to register for the UCInet Mobile Access network and campus-wide DHCP services. This Web page will help you locate and identify it so you may register your Network Interface Card (or cards) for the network.

Finding Your MAC Address


Windows (two methods)

Method 1:

  1. Click Start and in the Search Programs and Files box type ncpa.cpl and then push Enter on your keyboard.
  2. The Network Connections window will appear. Double-click on either Local Area Connection icon (if you are trying to register your Ethernet/wired connection) or Wireless Network Connection.
  3. In the window that appears, click Details… and in the subsequent window you’ll see the Physical Address field: that is your MAC address.

Method 2:

  1. Click Start then Run (in Windows 7, Start and type in the Search Programs and Files box.)
  2. Enter: cmd
  3. Enter: ipconfig /all
    If the output scrolls off your screen, and it will on Vista and Windows 7, use: ipconfig /all | more
  4. The Physical Address is your MAC address; it will look like 00-15-E9-2B-99-3C. You will have a physical address for each network connection that you have.

Mac OS

Mac OS

  1. Click on the Apple menu then System Preferences then Network
  2. MAC address for wireless connections:
    1. Select AirPortor Wi-Fi from the list on the left.
    2. Click the Advanced button.
    3. On the AirPort or Wi-Fi tab, the AirPort ID or Wi-Fi Address is your MAC address.



  1. Become root, using su.
  2. Enter: ifconfig -a
  3. The ethernet devices are called eth0, eth1, and so on The MAC address is in the first line of the output, labeled HWaddr, it is 00:09:3D:12:33:33.

Register Mac Address Umn

Mobile - iOS, Android, Kindle


  1. From the Home menu, tap on Settings.
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on About
  4. Scroll down to Wi-Fi Address and write down the address. This is your MAC address.

iOS 14+

There is a new setting in iOS 14 that may change which address our network verifies for registration. If you have updated to this version, you may need to go through the following steps instead.

  1. From the Home menu, tap on Settings.
  2. Tap on Wi-Fi
  3. Tap on the Information Icon next to UCInet Mobile Address or ResNet Mobile Access
  4. Scroll down to Wi-Fi Address and write down the address. This is the MAC address associated with this particular network. Note that each network will have a unique address associated with it. As such, if both campus networks are used then both addresses would need to be registered.


Register Mac Address With Spectrum

  1. Go to Settings->Wireless Controls->Wi-Fi settings.
  2. Tap the 3 dots on the top right corner.
  3. Tap Advanced.
  4. Swipe all the way down to the bottom, and you will see both the IP and MAC address.


Register For Mac Address Software

  1. From the Home screen press Menu
  2. Select Settings
  3. The Wi-Fi MAC Address is located toward the bottom of the screen in the Device Info section.